Rotary Club Students Of The Month September 2022
Photo provided by Deer Park Rotary Club.
Publishers Note: Due to a district-wide period of mourning, the Riverside student of the month will be announced in November.
Photo provided by Deer Park Rotary Club.
Publishers Note: Due to a district-wide period of mourning, the Riverside student of the month will be announced in November.
She discussed the fentanyl crisis, spoke to high school students, met with community leaders, and addressed many more concerns with her district.
The Deer Park Rotary Club members picked three students for March’s Student of the Month.
Ryder Thin Elk, a senior from Mary Walker High School, was introduced by Superintendent Todd Spear. Ryder began by thanking the group for inviting him to the lunch meeting. Ryder’s favorite subjects are art and writing. He said they keep his mind free from stress and his imagination going. Ryder has played on the soccer team for two years and has done a year of baseball. He is involved with Reserve Officers’ Training …
The Deer Park Rotary Club members picked three students for February’s Student of the Month.
The Deer Park Rotary Club members picked three students for January’s Student of the Month.
Clint Hull, Principal at Riverside, introduced their student: Samantha “Sam” Riggles. Sam brings a great spirit to the school and has been at Riverside all four years. She thanked her parents for instilling high standards and thanked all those who have helped shape her. Riggles is involved in art, jazz band, piano, college-level classes, volleyball, tennis, and basketball. She’s planning to attend North Platte Community College, near Omaha, where she’ll continue basketball and pursue a hygienic career.
The Deer Park Rotary Club members picked three students for November’s Student of the Month.
Brianna Smith, October student of the month from Mary Walker High School was introduced by Rotarian Marty Hilton. Brianna, who was adopted from a foster children’s program introduced her mother, Stefany Smith. Stefany serves as Mayor of Springdale, Washington. Brianna is an Upward Bound student and the current ASB Secretary. She holds a 3.2 GPA and said art is her favorite class. She recently started a mural of butterflies and sunflowers on the side of the Community Center in Springdale. She is a member of the varsity volleyball team and would like to become an FBI agent.
The Deer Park Rotary Club members were thrilled to have their first in-person Student of the Month program in 15 months on September 16, 2021.
Last school year, students could join the club’s meetings via ZOOM; however, having the students and family members present for lunch at First Street Bar and Grill was a welcome change.
Below are the last three “Students of the Month” chosen for 2021. Samantha Santos, Riverside High School – Riverside High School Principal Clint Hull introduced Samantha
Here are the three “Students of the Month” chosen for March 2021.
Serina Crossley, Mary Walker High School – Rotarian Marty Hilton introduced Serina as a native of Springdale who believes she is the only senior this year who attended all twelve years in the Mary Walker School District. In addition to high school, Serina is pursuing her AA degree in the Running Start program. Serina is a member of the girls basketball and softball teams at Mary Walker High School. Both of their seasons were cut short due to Covid-19, and she’s happy soccer will soon begin. Outside of school, she serves as president of a girl’s group at her church, planning fun events and service projects for the group. She also helps her mother in her business of raising and selling
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