Submitting An Obituary

The Deer Park Gazette is located in Deer Park, Washington State in the United States of America. Obituaries are published on the Deer Park Gazette’s website, email newsletter, and social media. 

Obituaries are subject to verification before publication. Payment is required before publication. If you want the obit published at a specific date and time please let us know in advance. 

The cost is $30 and includes 1 photo. Additional photos are $5 each. Payment can be made by most major credit/debit cards, PayPal, or check.

Many funeral service providers, churches, and service groups include publishing obituaries as part of their services. If so, please make sure they are including the Deer Park Gazette in the list of media for your obituary.

Please use the form below to submit the obituary.

Obit Post

Houston, we might have a problem! 

It looks like the content you've provided is missing a reference to Deer Park, Washington. This could be an error on our end, but we just want to confirm that you are aware that we are the Deer Park Gazette located in Deer Park, Washington, nestled between the Western Canadian border and Spokane, Washington. 

Submitting an Obituary Online

For this page, we're going to request information specifically about you, the person submitting the request

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