Step into a world of fractured fairy tales with the Home Link Drama class as they present the ambitious production of “Into the Woods Jr.” The talented ensemble cast has been working extremely hard for the last few months on this captivating musical under the guidance of instructor, Jessica Emmans.
This weekend, the Deer Park Home Link Drama class is presenting their second stage play of the school year under the tutelage of Jessica Emmans. “Into The Woods Jr.” is a show far above and beyond the complexity and difficulty of the previous production of western-comedy Cactus Pass. Many of the same cast members have returned to try their hands (and voices) at a musical presentation.
This ensemble involves students from grade school to graduating seniors. The cast and production team have been working extra hard to bring this vision to fruition.
Into The Woods was an award-winning Broadway hit in the late 1980s, then a feature film in 2014. The “junior” version of the play shortens the tale a little to make it more suitable for all audiences and perhaps to make it easier for a young cast to perform.
The production, however, is not short on challenges. We applaud Jessica Emmans, teacher and director, Crystelle Knox, for her work on production and set design, as well as other parents and Home Link theater alumni for making this production possible.
Please join Mrs. Emmans and her Home Link cast for “Into The Woods Jr.” on Friday and Saturday, May 10th and 11th at Deer Park High School’s Ken Fisher Performing Arts Theatre located at 800 S Weber Rd.
Both days will have shows at 3:30 and 6:30pm. There is no cost to entry, but please obtain free tickets for the evening shows. Tickets can be picked up beforehand or arranged for pick up at the door. Please come early to all shows to find a great seat.
For tickets or more information, contact Connie Lambert, Deer Park Home Link’s lead secretary, at 509-468-3360.