Photo Provided By: Deer Park Rotary
Doug Lilly receiving a “Paul Harris Plus Two Pin.” Bob Carroll, Past District Governor of Rotary District 5080, made the presentation at a Rotary Club Meeting.
Award pins were presented to Doug Lilly for contributions to the Rotary Foundation. A local park has benefited from Lilly’s dedication to making a difference.
Rotarian Doug Lilly, owner of LifeWorks Financial Services, was presented with the “Paul Harris Plus Two Pin” at a recent Rotary Club Meeting. The Paul Harris Fellow is an award that started in 1957 that acknowledges individuals who contribute or who have contributions made in their name of $1,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation. Multiple Paul Harris Fellow recognition is given in subsequent $1,000 levels. Lilly received a Plus Two Pin representing a $3,000 to $3,999 contribution.
Lilly’s giving has greatly impacted the Deer Park community and can especially be found at the children’s playground in Mix Park. That project was possible through a grant from Rotary International Foundation. In addition to community, grants available through the World fund help world hunger, housing, clean water, and many more projects. Past District Governor (PDG) Bob Carroll, who presented Lilly with the pins, stated, “Doug Lilly is inspiring to him and to this club and is an example of why it is important to continue giving to the foundation. It is the biggest thing we do; it is the generator that drives the movement.”
In accepting this award, Lilly said that he does not have the ability to travel overseas to Third World countries and do physical hands-on projects like dig wells. However, the Rotary Foundation allows him to give someone else the ability to help make that difference. That’s why he chose to give to the Foundation. He feels it’s a way to impact a positive difference in a multitude of causes worldwide; to create a better quality of life; to create the ability to have a life. He believes that rotary is a powerful cause and that it’s more than just getting together to have lunch with the people you love and care about; it’s so much more.
Other Paul Harris Fellow Award recipients throughout history are U.S. President Jimmy Carter, U.S. astronaut James Lovell, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, and polio vaccine developer Jonas Salk.