Want A Job?

Photo by Eric Prouzet

Getting a job has changed dramatically over the last couple of years. Despite many looking for work and help wanted signs in abundance, people on all sides of the hiring process are frustrated.

Application Process

While employment search websites make it easy to apply for jobs, many are finding lackluster results. A common issue is rapidly applying for as many jobs as possible. It can be tempting to send a resume to every company with an opening, especially when financially stressed. As a result, hiring managers use automation to search resumes for keywords because they don’t have time to read every single application.

Personalizing the cover letter and resume is an essential first step. Often the job description will request a specific bit of information that can be quoted or rephrased to “catch the eye” of computer prechecks.

Work/Life Balance

Working from home saw a significant shift in the face of the pandemic and is arguably one of the best things to result. While many companies are now asking employees to return to the office, others are making the permanent shift to working remotely. For many people working a typical nine to five workday is not possible. Child care, physical & mental health, and transportation issues, make a single consistent block of time for work simply not possible anymore. As a result, the ability to work from home is one job perk that can be a deciding factor for many job seekers.

Local Businesses

Locally, TRECpro has opted for a different approach. Everyone in the company works remotely but will have in-person meetings from time to time. Team building happens in online gaming sessions and is a part of TRECpro’s hiring process. Games can be used to test communication skills, response to stressful situations, and adaptability in a fun environment. Employees at TRECpro are encouraged to self-manage their time and work when they are the most productive, at any time of day or night. Communication is key and tasks must be completed regularly while maintaining any deadlines. The focus at TRECpro is finding talented people that fit with the team, then adapting the job description to the person, not the other way around.

Deer Park Chamber of Commerce Job Fair

If you are looking for a job locally the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce will also be hosting a job fair on May 19th from 2pm to 4pm at the Deer Park Fire Department. Spokane County Library District is also sponsoring the event. 

There is no charge for businesses that are members of the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce. Companies that would like to be present need to register online at DPGazette.com/z9wm1





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