Girl Scout Cookie season is here! Even in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the girls are adapting their sales methods to continue the joy of Girl Scout Cookies through the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program in the world.
Buy your cookies locally! This will keep your dollars here in this Council to benefit girls and support the multitude of amazing programs Girl Scouts provide. If you need help finding a Girl Scout or a troop near you, visit
The Girl Scout Cookie Program has long taught girls how to run a business via in-person booths, door-to-door activity, and the Digital Cookie® platform online, which Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) launched in 2014. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in the middle of the 2020 season, they faced the same challenges as other small businesses. Girl Scouts in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho quickly pivoted their entrepreneurial spirits and initiated new sales and delivery methods. They operated virtual cookie booths on social media and coordinated both drive-through purchase and pick-up locations. They also offered direct shipping for online orders. Besides acquiring real-world business knowledge and people skills, the girls have tremendous fun participating in the cookie program.
This cookie season they come even more prepared for the challenges that lie ahead, and do so with great enthusiasm!
Here is how you can support the Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho:
- If you know a registered Girl Scout, reach out to her to find out how she’s selling cookies.
- If you don’t know a Girl Scout, visit where you will find the Girl Scout Cookie Finder. Just type in your zip code and voilà, it will provide you a troop to order from. You can order for yourself, donate cookies to those serving in our military and health care providers, or both.
- And last, be on the lookout for cookie booths at supermarkets, retail stores, and other community locations starting March 26th. You can find in-person booths once they are up and running through our Cookie Finder.