The Spokane County Library District is hosting a virtual art show through January and February for anyone who would like to participate. There are no age, experience, or medium restrictions. Draw, color, build, sculpt, knit, etc your entry.
You are invited to participate in the Spokane County Library District’s Virtual Art Show during winter 2021. Whether you are just learning to hold a crayon, or you’re a professional artist with work hanging in a gallery, you are invited to submit a digital image of your original artwork. Share something you have already created in 2020, or create new art just for the show.
The theme of this art show is looking back at 2020 and ahead to 2021. The Library District asks that you send an image of your art that either represents the year 2020 to you, represents your hopes for 2021, or both. Please only send family friendly content, as this is an all-ages show.
Some ideas of art you can create with your hands and tools:
- A sketch, drawing, collage, or painting
- A photograph or digital art
- A LEGO structure, sculpture from found and recycled objects
- A wood carving, metal sculpture, glass-blown object
- A knitted, crocheted, or textile hanging or object
- Another creative idea you have
Artwork caption
Please use a six-word story caption that goes along with your art.
What could this look like? Here are some examples.
- A LEGO recreation of your house: “Cleaned. Reorganized. Re-reorganized. Still feels small.”
- A knitted object: “Buried by knitting. Please send help!”
- A sketch of your favorite bird-watching subject: “Visit too short. Goodbye feathered friend.”
Submit a digital image of your art to a designated Dropbox folder, which will be emailed to you once you register on our event calendar. Acceptable file types include: JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and PDF. One digital image submission per person. The image resolution must be a minimum of 1000 pixels (px) wide. You are not submitting the art itself.
Submissions are accepted online: January 1st – February 5th, 2021.
The Virtual Art Show can be viewed on the Spokane County Library District website and social media channels: Friday, February 19th – March 21st, 2021.
For more information, as well as terms and conditions, visit:
To Registration:
Photo By Anna-Kolosyuk