Recovery starts with hope: a taste of normalcy. Help spread some joy and peace by sponsoring this year’s Christmas coloring contest.
Taking Part
The Third Annual Gazette Coloring Contest will be featured in both the November and December editions of the Gazette. Your business name can be right there on the pages your customers will spend hours focusing on. Your products and/or gift cards will be placed in the winner’s gift baskets to bring new customers to your business.
There will be three divisions for different ages: Kids, Tween to Teens, and Adults, and the winner of each category will receive a gift basket loaded with local goodies. So not only will your business name be featured in the Gazette two months in a row, but excited winners will take your products home to “ooh” and “ahh” over with family and friends!
How to Contribute & Sponsor
To contribute prizes, please select items or services appropriate for each age group and a sponsorship level. For maximum visibility, make sure to have something for every age group. Prizes in the past have been everything from gift cards to a kindle. Contact us at [email protected] or call (509) 292-6767 x801.
Silver Level Sponsor $75
- Business name listed at the bottom of the coloring page and the results page
- Business name listed in the online article with a link directly to your website
Gold Level Sponsor $250 (only 3 available)
- Business Card Ad on the coloring page (B&W in November, Color in December)
- Business Card Ad included in online article with a link directly to your website
- Prize commitments due by November 1st
- November’s Gazette will include the Coloring Page, list of sponsors, and the list of awesome prizes
- December’s Gazette will include the contestants and winners’ beautiful artwork in addition to the list of sponsors