Disclaimer: Because the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is continually developing, topics mentioned in this article are subject to change without notice.
Planning your summer can be hard with event organizers constantly changing their plans. While the details might change, here are where things currently stand. As we have learned, things are bound to change; please check with the event organizers.
Deer Park 4th of July
Fireworks display: No Go.
Consumer fireworks: Go!
Chamber of Commerce, First Saturday Market: Go!
(Saturday at Perrins Field from 10am to 2pm)
Summer Concert Series: Go!
(Floating Crowbar will be at Mix Park starting at 6pm)
Deer Park Settlers Day
The parade: Go!
(Saturday, July 25th at 10am)
Clayton Rodeo: Go!
Roundabout 5K: No Go.
All other elements of Settlers Day are No Go.
Fun run/walk: Go!
Clayton Brickyard Day
All portions of this event: No Go.
Deer Park Yard SaleThe Yard Sale event: Go! (Sign up now for the event from August 7th – 9th. DPYardSale.com)
Tournament Of The Inland Empire
Postponed Status: Unknown