Disclaimer: Because the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is continually developing, topics mentioned in this article are subject to change without notice.
- Clayton Community Church
In-person services resume May 31st at 10:30am
Up-to-date information available at FB.me/ClaytonCommunityChurchwa
Deer Park
- Williams Valley Mennonite Church
In-person service resumes May 31st at 10am
Sermons can be found online at Pilgrimministry.org/sermons
- First Baptist Church of Deer Park
Parking lot service, sit in your car or bring a lawn chair call for further info 509-276-8100
First Baptist has partnered with We Heart Deer Park to deliver groceries and other needed supplies.
- This information can be found on Facebook at FB.me/WeHeartDeerPark
- Open Door Congregational Church
No in-person services until after June 2nd when council leaders meet
Services available for online viewing at Facebook or YouTube
Weekly bulletins and other additional information can be found at their website
- DPOpenDoor.org/index.php
- Christ’s Church of Deer Park
Resuming with outdoor services starting June 7th at 11am
Videos of sermons will be posted online at the website, or are available on the church app
- Ccdp.org/sermons
- Download the app at subsplash.com/ccdp/app
- Laestadian Lutheran Church of Spokane
All services are currently online at https://www.llc-spokane.org/
- Zion Lutheran Church
Church information available at https://www.localprayers.com/US/Deer-Park/198552596863654/Zion-Lutheran-Deer-Park
Digital worship services can be found on YouTube
Worships, prayers, and other material to use at home can be sent upon request from Pastor Duane Anderson
- Tri-County Christian Center
Drive in church service
Sermons and services are available on Facebook
- FB.me/TCCCDeerPark
- Sundays at 10:30am, Wednesdays Facebook Live 6:30pm
- Office is open Tue-Thur 9-3
- Vine Community Church
Outdoor, drive in or YouTube and Facebook Service available Sundays at 10am
- YouTube.com/user/vinecommunity
- https://www.facebook.com/vinecommunitydp/
- St. Mary’s Presentation Catholic Church
All masses resume as scheduled in the bulletin
Check the parish website for updates about Vacation Bible School https://stmarypresentationcc.org/
The church building will remain open during regular hours for individual prayer
Streamed services will be live on Sundays at 10am on Facebook
- FB.me/st.mary.presentation/live_videos
- Deer Park Seventh-Day Adventist Church
In person services are cancelled for the time being
Current information can be found at https://www.deerparkadventist.org/
Live streaming is available on Facebook at FB.me/makeanimpactin2019/
- Every Sabbath (Saturday) they will have Bible Study from 9am-10am.
- Every Sabbath they have a sermonic thought from 11am-12pm.
There is also a YouTube channel available for “teaching, preaching and inspiration”
- Happy Home Community Church
In-person services resume May 31st at both 9am and 10:30am
Those wishing to sit outside in their cars and listen may do so at 10:30am service
- Calvary Chapel
Inside service and drive up service available at 8:30am
Current information can be found at https://www.calvarychapeldeerpark.com/
Awana is canceled for the remainder of the 2019-2020 year
Sunday service recording are available on YouTube
- Redeemed Baptist Church
Digital Sunday services can be found at FB.me/redeemedbc/
- Lakeside Nazarene
Facebook Live recordings available
Stay updated on their website at hlakesidenaz.org/sermons.html
- Redeemer Bible Church
Resumed services May 17th
Sermons are available on FB.me/redeemerbiblechurchDP/
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- Updates can be found at newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/coronavirus-update
- Riverside Community Bible Church
- No services until further notice
- Online services are available at https://www.YouTube.com/channel/UC6fogUBzAtJclyywN9aRKHA
Loon Lake
- Springdale Community Church
- In-church services at 10:30am