Each month’s prompt will be in the newspaper and on Facebook. Our favorite stories will be published the following month. Responses will be judged on creativity and the ability to communicate a story. Submit your six-word story by the 25th of each month.
Our last prompt was “Safe Topics For Family Dinner.” Here are some of our favorites:
- Autumn, Thanksgiving, gratefulness, funny family stories. – Tim H.
- Zombies, anthropomorphization, and God’s Big Story. – Caleb S.
- Count blessings, play poker and feast. – Zann F.
- Good food should always trump politics. – Tristan C.
- The weather shouldn’t ruffle any feathers! – Emilie M.
For this month’s prompt, write a six-word story about: A Winter’s Sunrise. Submit your six-word stories:
- On our Facebook page
- By email to [email protected]
- Six Word Stories – Deer Park Gazette
PO Box 1581
Deer Park, WA 99006