Now Open Wacker Coffee Co.

Tim Wacker’s coffee journey began as a daily necessity in the Marine Corps, evolving from a survival tool during sleepless nights as a new parent to a passion for the art and science of coffee. His return to the Pacific Northwest in 2007 marked a transformative shift as he discovered local roasters and the true potential of coffee.

Inspired by his nerdy side, Tim experimented with brewing to craft the perfect cup, eventually leading to the irresistible desire to roast his own beans. This passion birthed Wacker Coffee Co., a small but dedicated operation housed in a converted section of his garage in Deer Park.

Quality is paramount for Wacker Coffee Co., from the selection of coffee beans to the roasting process and the merchandise offered. The company is committed to sustainability, exclusively sourcing from farms engaged in a Farm Gate program, ensuring fair compensation for top-quality beans.

Wacker Coffee Co. prioritizes supporting U.S. companies and the local community. They purchase and sell products made in the United States and actively contribute to the Deer Park community.

Wacker Coffee Co.’s offerings include Grade 1 coffee with a Q Score exceeding 85, roasting them to a light-medium roast to bring out their best flavors. Their selection includes three single-origin coffees, a delightful decaf option, the popular Red Tape blend, and a new blend called E Pluribus Unum.

You can find Wacker Coffee Co.’s offerings online at and at The Local on Main St. They roast every Saturday and provide free delivery within a 15-mile radius every Monday, ensuring customers enjoy freshly roasted coffee consistently. Follow @wackercoffeeco on social media for updates.

Tim expresses hope that Wacker Coffee Co. brings as much joy to your life as it has to his. Cheers to the art, science, and American spirit behind every cup of Wacker Coffee.

This is a sponsored article and does not necessarily reflect the position of the Deer Park Gazette or its staff.

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