Vote YES for Riverside
On February 13th the voters of Riverside will have an opportunity to positively impact the future of the Riverside school district. Our schools have long been a source of pride for our community through the excellent education they have provided to our students while also providing excellent management of taxpayer dollars. Riverside has the lowest tax rate of any school district in Spokane county, and it has not had a bond election for construction since 1998.
From early childhood through high school our students have excelled. Our early childhood program, the foundation of a child’s education, scored 25 points higher than the state average on the latest statewide assessment, our graduation rate is 93%, we offer 14 dual college credit courses, we have a robust Career and Technology program that provides industry certifications in areas such as welding, small engine repair, food services and forklift operation; certifications that provide a good living wage upon graduation. We have very active sports and extracurricular offerings that our students excel in. Our FFA program was selected as the top program in the state and represented Washington in national competition through its study of cattle artificial insemination. These are just a few of the successes our students, with the support of an outstanding staff, have achieved.
This has all been done with facilities that are no longer adequate to support the continuation of these successes. We must provide for the safety of our students with single point entries on every campus and updated security monitoring systems. Our heating and cooling systems are in constant repair and in many cases cannot be maintained because they are so old that parts are no longer made and available. We have inadequate plumbing and restroom facilities, some of which date back to the 1930’s. Students need updated classrooms that are inviting and energy efficient. Our Career and Technology programs need facilities to support their forward progress in providing real life skills. Athletes deserve facilities that will help support increased participation.
Voting yes for the bond will positively impact every student and staff member in the Riverside schools. Riverside is the only school district in Spokane county to gain students after returning from Covid and improved facilities will support that growth in a positive way while attracting new businesses that will share the tax effort with local property owners. Riverside schools have been and continue to be the center of our community. Be part of this historic moment to show your support for our mission and our students – Vote YES for Riverside!
Tommy Mowles
Reprinted with permission.
Letters to the Editor are not edited or corrected for content or grammar.