In a devastating turn of events, Major Crimes Detectives from the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office are currently probing a fatal shooting in the Deer Park area that claimed a child’s life, leaving a family in grief.
At around 9:35pm on September 28, 2023, Spokane County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to reports of a shooting at a residence situated in the 1400 block of E. Eloika Lake Road. Despite the arrival of deputies and medical personnel, their efforts to save the child were unsuccessful, and the 8-year-old was declared deceased at the scene.
Preliminary findings suggest that one adult and four children, aged between 5 and 14, were present in the residence at the time of the incident. It was revealed that the children came across a handgun, which was inadvertently discharged, fatally injuring the 8-year-old.
Major Crimes Detectives were summoned to the site. Given the tender age of the involved juveniles and out of respect for the grieving family’s privacy, no further details are available at this time.
- Spokane County Sheriff’s Office. “Major Crimes Detectives Investigate Fatal Shooting in North Spokane County.” Facebook, 29 September 2023, Accessed 29 September 2023.