Dear editor,
I am not running for reelection this year.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve our community these past few years, but my family and work situations are very different than when I ran for office in 2019.
Are you interested in serving Deer Park? You need to file as a candidate with the Spokane County elections office between May 15th-19th.
- History. The ultimate decision on whether to save our historic city hall for future generations will PROBABLY go to the voters in several years. However, your city council members can keep you from having that choice by delaying or stopping our current work. Ask the candidates where they stand on saving our historic buildings.
- Police. While we are in the process of adding a deputy we are still underserved. Ask the candidates where they stand on local control vs. a contracted county force.
- Cannabis & Chickens. These two issues are up for review in our zoning ordinances over the next several years. Ask the candidates how they would vote on allowing either backyard chickens or cannabis shops in Deer Park.
- Communication. I strongly believe that public officials should attempt to engage the public with news and updates while making the public meetings as accessible and open as possible. Ask the candidates what they will do to communicate well with you, where they stand on making public meetings accessible to the public to hear and see the meetings live, and through what methods you will be able to contact them with questions or concerns.
Again, thank you for electing me to serve you. I’ll continue to work hard for you through the end of 2023… and beyond.
Caleb Stapp
Reprinted with permission.
Letters to the Editor are not edited or corrected for content or grammar.