Limited numbers of voters received a survey from the city regarding law enforcement in Deer Park, Washington. Six questions mainly cover primary concerns and preferred options.
Just before Labor Day weekend, a survey was delivered to Deer Park registered voters’ mailing addresses. However, only one survey was sent per address regardless of how many registered voters used the mailing address.
The survey had the following questions with checkboxes and areas for additional comments. (Grammar and capitalization from the city survey have not been corrected.)
- Are you generally in favor having larger police presence in Deer Park?
- Would You prefer our own police department, or more Spokane County Sheriff officers?
- Would you be in favor of forming a local police department if it provided more direct policing coverage?
- Do you feel like Deer Park is more safe or less safe than 5 years ago?
- What kind of crime do you perceive is Deer Park facing?
- What concerns would you want the city government to be aware of if we formed a local police department?
The third question addressed the willingness to pay more for a local police department. However, it did not address that for the last five years the city has budgeted more for law enforcement than the Sheriff can provide. Therefore, the Sheriff is charging less than the budgeted amount. So, whether it is an increase in law enforcement from the Sheriff or a future police department, the results would be an increase in city spending.
Below is a printable copy of the survey. The survey does not indicate a deadline. The findings will be referenced during the annual city budget workshop, which is typically held in October. The city of Deer Park, Washington, did not make the survey available on the city hall website.