Dear Editor,
Chickens. Ever since I sought a seat of service on our City Council in 2019 I have been approached by neighbors new and old who have asked for their freedom back.
Deer Park is a small town in a rural area filled with faithful farmers and independent Americans. Yet not even a single hen is legally permitted to live within our city.
I fully agree that roosters, herds of cows, and exotic snakes would not be helpful to our community.
But letting a family keep several hens to feed themselves during hard times? With simple rules to help maintain a clean and quiet community? We should roll back the anti-chicken regulations and hatch a new plan.
I’m proposing an update to our city’s code to return a scrap of stolen freedom and allow local families to once again raise their own chickens on their own property. For full details on my proposal contact City Hall. To voice your support for freedom, fairness, and fresh eggs contact the mayor today.
Email the mayor politely today – no pecking necessary!
Mayor Verzal can be reached at [email protected]. I have requested city email addresses so that you can contact us officially, but other city council members have voted down those proposals. They suggest you run into them at Yokes or the post office to communicate your thoughts. Good luck!
I’ve asked that the Chicken Ordinance be on the agenda for the City Council meeting on February 2nd.
Caleb Stapp
City Council Member