Do you ever daydream about a time when knights rode majestic horses into dangerous competitions, or a noble archer took aim at the bullseye as well as the heart of his lady fair? This first weekend in August, you’ll have a chance to witness and take part in these medieval games, as well as several others.
The Tournament of the Inland Empire returns to the Clayton Fairgrounds. August 7th and 8th, from 2pm until 10pm, there will be a variety of events that will appeal to all ages and a range of interests. Among the featured events there are:
- Longsword
- Archery
- Mounted Skills at Arms
- Mounted Melee
- Jousting
Prices of tickets at the gate are $10, with children six and under being free. They would like to remind people they are a cash event at this time and are unsure if they will have the ability to take cards. Gates will open at 2pm to the public.
The first scheduled event will be Skill at Arms, starting at 3pm. Archery will follow at 4pm. Mounted Archery, which is a demonstration this year, will be at 5pm. The first evening Joust will take place at 6pm with a short intermission, and then the second series of Jousts starts at 8pm. The Joust times may be adjusted depending on riders’ and horses’ needing breaks to eat and rehydrate. The schedule for Sunday will be the same.
Are you experienced in these medieval games, and do you want to demonstrate your grit? You can go to and download the competition application, and you can send messages to [email protected].
Tournament organizers ask that anyone applying to participate have experience in these sports and own the proper equipment. In addition, equestrians who participate must be competent on horseback and be able to ride one-handed to maneuver the weapons and complete the courses. The entry fee for those of you who are thinking of competing is $40 per event. Competitors’ fee covers one camping space for the weekend. For all others thinking of camping, the cost is $15 for a camping space for the weekend.
There will only be a few vendor booths this year; however, there will be some onsite dining if you need it. In addition, they are asking that you check out the Clayton Farmers Market on Sunday. To read more on Clayton Farmers Market, go here:
For more information, check out the main Facebook page for the Tournament and the event page. Then, contact them through Facebook messenger or email if you need more information or want to participate in the event.