As a fellow citizen I would like to make some endorsements for you to consider in our upcoming election. Ron Scholz and Caleb Stapp are fine young men in their 30’s who have taken an avid interest in Deer Park by attending council meetings the last few months. Ron is running for the seat that I am leaving and Caleb Stapp, who is also involved in many other civil activities, is running for the position that Don Stevens is retiring from. They will bring a new outlook from a newer generation, but experience is also important for a good mix on council. That’s why I feel it’s critical to retain Dee Cragun in her council position. She is the hardest working council member we have and has many contacts at the state and local level that take years to cultivate. She has also been leading the charge to obtain funding for a splash pad and without her I’m afraid it will be delayed, or worse, might not happen at all. Lastly, Roger Krieger is running for re-election for Fire District 4 commissioner. I have found him to be frugal with taxpayers money and to know as much about government as anyone I have met. A vote for him is a smart vote. Thanks for your attention. Councilman Joe Polowski

Letter to the Editor : There are two things I want to publicly express gratitude for…
There are two things I want to publicly express gratitude for…
Thank you both so much for making life more wonderful.