The Deer Park Airport will welcome local residents, pilots and aircraft owners, and prospective aviation business customers to its “DEW Drop In” open house, sponsored by the Deer Park Airport, the City of Deer Park, and the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce, on Saturday, September 22nd. The open house will begin at 12:30 PM and conclude around 3:00 PM. The event is free and open to all.
A wide variety of vintage aircraft including a DC-3, Grumman Goose, Beech Staggerwing, Stearman aircraft and many more, will fly in and be on display, and visitors will have an opportunity to see them up close, and learn about them from the pilots who fly them and the specialists who maintain them. Visitors will also be treated to fun aviation competitions and other demonstrations. “We hope the public will come and share the adventure of flying with us,” said Darold Schultz, Manager of the Deer Park Airport. “This is a chance to view the world of pilots who fly for business or family transportation, personal challenge, career development, or just plain fun. The open house will be an exciting opportunity for everyone, especially for young people and older ones who have occasionally thought about learning to fly.”
Darold goes on to say, “It’s not always understood that the airport is an integral part of the community. Besides the jobs and income it provides directly, the airport is instrumental in creating community income by businesses and industries that use general aviation (i.e., non- airline) transportation to facilitate their operations. We will have tours of the airport to give the public and prospective customers a chance to see the great facility we have here at Deer Park. The airport open house will provide a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the airport’s role in the community, as well as experiencing the excitement of aviation first hand.” Limited food and beverage services will be available on site.
For more information, contact Darold Schultz at 509-999-5835 or Beverly Hoots at 509-276- 3379