Our friendly community, as it has for the past 20-plus years, showed up to support the North Country Garden Club plant sale. The money supports the horticulture departments of the Clayton Fair, two gardens (Post Office and City Hall) in Deer Park, a couple of scholarships, local food banks, help with supplies at a local private school, and other, occasional smaller projects in the area. The independent sellers across the parking lot were The Rotary Club with their beautiful baskets, as well as a young, first-time grower who brought strong, beautiful plants.
Several customers commented that the club sale “was the only place to get Tidal Wave petunias.” Tidal waves can mound as high as one’s knees, spread up to 2 1/2 feet (maybe more), and have several bright colors as well as the soft Silver that shows well in moonlight.
The tomatoes are always appreciated because the club growers try for short-season varieties, as well as a few traditional varieties. One of the club growers, Barbara, has no resistance when she sees new tomato seeds, so the sale is a great source for those interested in something different — it’s good to be the first person in the neighborhood to try out a new plant, right?
Be watching for the sale next year, often timmed the weekend after Mother’s Day, sometimes a little later. The location has been at Double Eagle in Deer Park for several years, so go in and let them know you love the location and appreciate their generous community support.