Unleashing potential and competing for a chance to win a scholarship while representing the City of Deer Park at the upcoming 2023 Miss Deer Park Scholarship Program. Over the past 3 years, the association has awarded $35,000 in scholarships.
The Miss Deer Park Scholarship Program has announced that plans for the 2023 program are now underway. Participation in the program offers countless opportunities to represent the City of Deer Park at local events and parades, as well as receive coaching in public speaking, professional appearance, and poise.
The program will take place on March 18th, 2023 at the Ken Fisher Auditorium at the Deer Park High School (DPHS) at 6pm. This year’s program will consist of a variety of scored and non-scored categories, all of which carry a scholarship for the top performer.
How To Compete In Miss Deer Park
The association is calling all sophomore and junior girls to participate in the program. Practices and parents meetings will all be held at the Ken Fisher Auditorium at DPHS. Miss Deer Park practices will start on January 23rd, 2023 and will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 6 – 8pm during the weeks leading up to the event. There will be a mandatory parent meeting on January 30th, 2023 and also marks the final day for students to sign up to compete.
If you have any questions or are interested in participating in this year’s program, please reach out to the Miss Deer Park Association at [email protected] or call them at (509) 954-4171. You can also fill out the form at DPGazette.com/mdform23 to express your interest.
Sweet Heart Apple Pie Event
The Deer Park Float Association and Yokes will be presenting “Sweet Heart Apple Pies” made by the 2023 Miss Deer Park contestants on February 11th, 2023 from 10am – 2pm at Yokes. These 9-inch apple pies will be made by the contestants and can be purchased for $12.00 each. This event is sponsored by Yokes Fresh Market.
Volunteering with the Deer Park Scholarship Association
The Miss Deer Park Scholarship Association held its first general membership meeting of the year on January 9th the following meetings will be on April 10th, July 10th, and October 9th, 2023. These meetings will be held at 6pm at the Pizza Factory and will provide an opportunity for members to hear from the association about what they are focusing on and how they are participating in local events.