Brent Hodgson, senior at Deer Park High School, is an excellent student with a 3.9 GPA. He is a member of Key Club, National Honor Society and is especially involved in Link Crew, a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable their first year of high school. Brent is recuperating from knee surgery, but has been a member of the football team, wrestling, and archery teams. After graduation, he plans to attend a four year university with an emphasis on biology, resulting in a career of Wild Life Biology. He is looking at WSU in Vancouver, Washington, University of Montana, and EWU.
Mary Walker’s Lauren Pettit has recently returned to Washington State after spending three years living in Panama, where her mother, Christine Cannon was born. Lauren’s father, James Cannon, is in the U.S. Army. Lauren is a member of National Honor Society and the Mary Walker girls’ basketball team. She has represented her school in Cross Country and Track & Field meets in the javelin, discus, shot put, and sprint events. Her favorite class is art, and she is an accomplished artist who prefers acrylic painting. She envisions her art as a hobby, not as a livelihood. Along with academics and sports at Mary Walker, she is also involved in a new Wellness Club that promotes healthy habits and more school activities and participation for all students. Lauren speaks fluent Spanish, and said her eyes were opened to what we take for granted when she and her family helped a neighbor, a recent widow, with the struggles of farming and providing for herself.
This was Christian Salcedo’s second time as a participant of a Rotary program. Christian is a member of Rachea Allert’s Life Skills class at Riverside High School. Everyone who knows or works with Christian says his greatest strength is that he is a “hard worker”. He has had a good run as a student, representing Riverside in community businesses through his high school career. His strong work ethic promises a great future for this fine young man.