Jerin Poesy was selected Student of the Month from Mary Walker High School. Jerin’s father is a registered nurse and his mother is an archaeologist for the Spokane Tribe, an EMT, and volunteer firefighter. Jerin is a member of ASB, a wrestling manager, and is in Upward Bound. He loves art and graphic design, and would like to be an architect or designer in the future. Jerin wants to attend a 2 year college and then transfer to a 4 year university. When not in school, Jerin works in the deli at Spoko Fuel in Chewelah, Washington.
Libby Michael, a senior at Deer Park High School, is an excellent student with a 3.98 GPA. Her parents are Dale and Evie Michael. Libby is actively involved in Key Club at her school, and is a member of the National Honor Society. She is an avid cross country runner who has qualified for state every year of her high school career. Libby has placed second in the state in Cross Country and third in the state in the Mile.
Andrew Bergman was Riverside’s Student of the Month. His parents are Clay and Lynn Bergman. Andrew has excelled academically while taking the most advanced classes the school offers, including AP History, AP Literature, AP language, Calculus, and AP Computer Science Principles. In addition to these, he is taking an independent study computer science class and maintains a 3.968 GPA. His favorite classes are any that challenge him and give him the opportunity to learn the most. Andrew is president of Honor Society, a member of the cross country team, and section leader in the band. His passion is Boy Scouts, where he earned the rank of Eagle Scout . He believes Scouting has shaped his life more than any other activity he participated in, and credits his achievements in leadership, communication, and personal skills to Scouting. Andrew plans to attend a 4 year university, earn a degree in computer science, and pursue a career path in software development. He has applied to Whitworth and the University of New Mexico.