Kat Moore fell in love with Deer Park while she was visiting; little did she know that just a few years later she would live here. Now a Deer Park resident for over a decade, she still loves this town and is continually inspired by the community.
Moore has been an artist her whole life. Self-taught as a child to draw and paint, she has developed her skills to work in many mediums, from pencil drawings to paints on canvas to photography. The love of art and passion for sharing her creations is demonstrated throughout the year. During the summer months, she travels to various fairs and carnivals to paint faces; in between she paints windows with holiday or seasonal scenes. She has a knack for creating lifelike animal portraits as well as sweet scenes with a more realistic style.
She started painting windows last November. That first year she did all 22 windows at Deer Park Physical Therapy. This year, again, she decorated Deer Park Physical Therapy, along with several other businesses around town and in Spokane.
Moore uses the business she is painting to inspire the design. For example, Bicycles by Deron is decorated by a bicycle-riding Rudolf, while Deer Park Physical Therapy has a weightlifting Snoopy; even the little pooch is getting fit for the new year! Moore takes up the challenge of working the business’ advertisement into their unique decorations. She signs all of her windows; how many can you find around town?
This delightful artist paints windows all year round, as well as participating in many local fairs and festivals as a face painter. Moore began face painting 7 years ago, and now is busy traveling the area painting faces all through July, August, September, and October. At one special event, she had the joy of painting the faces of some local low-income kids. Moore thoroughly enjoys giving back to the community.
Moore says she would love to see more art in Deer Park, and in that vein hopes to offer art and photography classes in the summer. She is one who is always working to improve her craft by learning from others; extending that education to her community seems to be a passion.
To learn more about and contact Kat Moore visit: