Advertising With The Deer Park Gazette

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You can now purchase and manage your  ads directly from our website. Use the following buttons to quickly get started.

Advertisement Details

Display Ads

Display Ad Groups
All display ads are full color. Display ads can link to websites, social media, or phone numbers. Statistics are emailed on a regular basis. Each display ad is a group of up to 4 ads that can be individually displayed based on viewers device, location, schedule. 

Leaderboard Display Ad Group
Featured in section breaks throughout the Deer Park Gazette these horizontal ads are eye-catching. These ads are great for getting people to interact with your organization. Size is 728×90 pixels.

Wide Skyscraper Display Ad Group 
Featured to the right of content, these tall vertical ads are one of the first things people see on the Deer Park Gazette website. Each page has no more than 1 of these ads. These ads are great for creating name recognition for your organization. Size is 160×600 pixels.

Popup Display Ad Group
Displayed based upon reader activity these ads engage the reader with interaction. As a result, they are going to be noticed. Only one of these ads will be displayed on article pages. These ads will drive readers to your site. Size is 485×600 pixels.

Ads Setup & Design
For each month, setup and basic advertisement design is included for one display ad per ad group. 

Ad Templates
Easy to use templates are available in Canva. In Canva search for either Leaderboard or Wide Skyscraper then select a template to modify. Use the following referral link to create an account with Canva: 

Event Ads

Event Listings
The cost is $5 per event and $5 for each additional occurrence within a calendar year.

One logo or photo is included, additional photos or attachments are $10 each.

Please include the following details:

  • Event Title
  • Description
  • Date & Time
  • Cost
  • Organizations Involved
  • Locations
  • Event Details Link

Ad setup is $25 per ad.

Free Event Listings
Some events will be published for free at the discretion of the publishers. The event must be free to the public and organized by a non-profit or government agency. Free event listings will not be published on our social media pages.

Directory Ads

The Deer Park Gazette website includes a directory page listing all businesses with a link to a dedicated page with more details about each business. Directory is listed alphabetically, with featured ads first.

Sponsored Articles

Share important news about your businesses from a Grand Opening to Employee Promotions or new Products and Services. Sponsored articles are published online; they are also distributed via email and our social channels on Facebook and Instagram. Writing and editing services are also available upon request.

To comply with Federal Trade Commission regulations, all sponsored articles are identified with a disclaimer.

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