We want to hear from you. There’s no doubt that things have changed over the last few months. The United States has been turned a bit upside down by the impacts of a pandemic. What changes do you think and/or want to stay afterward?
We’ve lost loved ones, been reminded that healthcare workers are on the front lines of our safety every day, and learned exactly what we all individually consider to be essential.
The question now: what changes will be maintained? Will local restaurants continue to offer takeout and delivery? Will many employees continue to work from home? Will there be a surge in new homeschool and homelink families this fall?
I know many who can’t wait to rejoin society as we used to know it: embrace a loved one, share conversation that doesn’t require a phone or internet connection, or simply go anywhere in public without a shadow of fear hanging over us.
How have things changed for you? Will the changes you have made during quarantine turn into long term habits?
Send your letters to the Editor to
Deer Park Gazette
PO Box 1581
Deer Park, Wa 99006