Fogle Pump and Supply Inc. “The Water Professionals” recently opened their 4th location here in Deer Park.
Located next to Les Schwab at 112 W 1st Street, this branch joins their others in Colville, Airway Heights, and Republic. Owners Rod and Sue Fogle opened Fogle Pump in 1981 with only 3 employees, and one drill rig, that Rod Fogle ran himself. They have grown to be the leader in the well drilling, pump systems, and water treatment industry in northeast Washington and the Idaho panhandle.
Over the last 38 years in business, they have drilled over 12,000 wells, and now have a staff of over 60 employees. They have earned the reputation of having the most experienced water professionals in the industry. Fogle Pump and Supply Inc. places a high priority on doing their best to help their customers. They work to find the best place to drill their well by studying the land, rock formations, and other wells that are nearby. Many customers may only drill one well in their lifetime, so Fogle takes well drilling seriously. Along with well drilling, Fogle has the largest fleet of pump trucks in northeast Washington. They help their customers design the best possible water system, with an onsite visit, based on the needs of the customer.
Today there is a lot of new technology in pumps. The standard submersible pump and pressure tank are being replaced by V.F.D. (Variable Speed Drive) pumps that actually speed up and slow down depending on how much water you are using at the time, becoming very efficient on power usage while delivering constant water pressure.
Fogle Pump’s Water Treatment Department specializes in giving you the cleanest, pure water possible. This beautiful area we call home, unfortunately, has high levels of minerals and contaminants in our groundwater, along with hardness, iron, manganese, turbidity, and hydrogen sulfide; recently high levels of uranium, arsenic, lead, and nitrates have been found to be more common in the groundwater. Fogle will do a FREE water analysis for the minerals in your water, and can also send in your water for more serious contaminants.
The newly opened Deer Park branch is still being stocked up and waiting for signs to get hung, but they are ready and open for business. Stop by and meet branch manager Robert Fogle, store manager and water treatment technician Jason Buckley, and Logan Schmidt-Fitzhum, licensed pump technician. You can contact Fogle Pump Deer Park at 509-276-5400, or check them out online at