Hundreds of community members filled Deer Park High School’s lunchroom the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Volunteers from Christ’s Church of Deer Park had been preparing for months to serve the largest Thanksgiving meal in town—and everything was free. Many gave up their entire Saturday, with shifts starting at 8:00 AM, to bring their town together over a delicious meal.
“Serving to Love, Loving to Serve” was the motto in the background of Christ’s Church recruitment efforts, while #ThankfulForDeerPark served as their public design theme. Pastor Tim Kubow shared his hope that the hashtag would help people pause and think about why they were thankful for their city, and that taking just a moment to do so would actually increase their gratitude for this small Washington town.
Kubow’s favorite part of the community event is “seeing the relationships happen” as people are “eating and talking with each other”. He’s always surprised by how many people hear about the event and don’t want to just attend, but instead call ahead to find out how they can help.
A quick and unofficial poll found that the dressing was the crowd favorite followed closely by the sweet potato casserole. Only one question remains: why are YOU #ThankfulForDeerPark?
Share your answer on your favorite social site and use #ThankfulForDeerPark and we might feature your response in our next issue.
By Caleb Stapp