The sun glinted off instruments as a sense of wonderment shone in the eyes of the children. On a bright summer Monday, July 16th, the Loon Lake library held a successful musical instrument petting zoo just outside the library. Several children and accompanying adults learned about 21 different instruments, and enjoyed the melodious sound each instrument creates through a personal hands-on experience. The following instruments with identifier cards included: sleigh bells, bell stick, jingle stick, cabasa, guiro, castanets, gong, egg shakers, rhythm sticks, maracas, kalimba, accordion, xylophone, ukulele, violin, harp, cowbell, tambourine, triangle, floor piano, and electric drum set. As one might guess, the floor piano and electronic drum set were very popular. Wisely, the electronic drum set only functioned with headphones attached.
Jessica Varang, Technology Education Manager for Libraries of Stevens County, provided instructions to each individual in an easy-going atmosphere. The small neighborhood was filled with music as the children gleefully took turns trying out every instrument. A plethora of personalities was present in the crowd but this unique petting zoo brought everyone together with the joy of learning about so many musical instruments. One little girl of about 4 years held tight to the headphones while playing a lively beat on the electronic drums as her older brothers unsuccessfully attempted to borrow them before she finished her song. Once she finished playing her tune she handed over the headset to one of her brothers with a smile of confidence and content one might expect to see on Buddy Rich’s face.
Every month at the Loon Lake Public Library there are several events for children and adults such as the Kids Craft Club on the first Tuesday, Bullet Journaling for adults on the second Tuesday, Reading Radio, and so much more! They also have several book sales coming up with all proceeds supporting the Loon Lake Library. Donations of current, good condition books, DVDs, CDs, & bookcases are greatly appreciated. Check out the events and additional information on their website at or on Facebook.