Author: Erin Nelson

Sunflowers Sunny Side Up

Did you know that sunflowers not only provide a vital source of food and shelter for insects and birds, but they can also clean up contaminated soil and even absorb toxic radiation? From supporting the local ecosystem to being used for phytoremediation, the sunflower is a powerhouse plant with numerous benefits for us and the environment.

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Crying Shame

Have you ever grown onions and wondered why they don’t look like the ones in the grocery store? Perhaps they were small or didn’t store well. Maybe they all went to seed and ended up with pithy or hard centers. These are all things that can be fixed with proper culture and growing techniques!

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Micro Your Greens

Microgreens are defined as bigger than seedlings but not full-grown plants. Microgreens include the first couple of leaves out of the ground and the next set of leaves produced after that. From seed to microgreen, it only takes a week to two! In this tiny form, their leaves are so superdense with vitamins and antioxidants that, with some varieties, they can surpass their adult form by up to 40 times in nutrition!

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Making the Most of Your Property

Replacing traditional lawns with gardens is not a new concept but one that is quickly growing in popularity. If you spend too much money and time mowing, watering and fertilizing the lawn, and it’s too hot to enjoy any time on it, why bother having it? Try growing food there instead! This would also give you an opportunity to grow and enjoy foods that may be expensive in stores but cost pennies to produce yourself, such as heirloom tomatoes, gourmet mushrooms, and seasonal fruits.

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Keep your Harvest Going!

After pulling your potatoes out of the ground, try planting carrots! The ground is nice and soft after removing the potatoes and perfect for carrots. First, spread a thin layer of compost onto the harvested area. You must use compost and not manure!

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Wigged Out By Earwigs?

Earwigs are one of the easiest to recognize and creepiest looking bugs to live in our gardens and orchards. Their fast-moving bodies and sharp pincers are enough to fit right into a horror movie! But earwigs are far from being evil aliens!

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Berry Awesome!

Strawberries are divided up into three basic varieties. So know what you are purchasing before you buy them. They can be summer-bearing (or June), ever-bearing, or day-neutral. Fertilizer should be organic and low in numbers, like 5-6-7. Too high in numbers and the strawberries will produce large leaves with small, pinched fruits.

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Tomatoes All Decked Out Patio Style

Yellow, spotted leaves, and mushy fruit are common issues for potted tomatoes, especially in late summer. Plant your tomatoes correctly and avoid these issues altogether!

Incorrect Pot: Tomatoes have big root systems, and no amount of extra water or fertilizer will substitute for lack of space for the roots. I recommend a large tree pot. Five-gallon buckets are not large enough to have a happy tomato all summer. Once the roots grow to the sides of the pots, they are easily burned by the heat of the sun. You’ll notice this from excessive wilting, as well as dry edges and yellowing on the leaves. Ten to fifteen-gallon pots are best. Make sure that the pots have drain holes on

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Spear Your Dinner! With Asparagus!

Asparagus is a member of the lily family. It grows best from crowns, though a few can grow well from the seed of open-pollinated varieties like ‘Purple Passion’ and ‘Martha Washington’.

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Mulching Misery

WARNING: Though mulches can dress up your yard and garden space, prevent weeds and hold moisture in the soil, some mulches on the market can actually cause harm to your plants and animals. Use caution when choosing your mulches.

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