On the February 13 ballot will be a request to approve a bond for the Deer Park School District. With approval, a smoking real estate deal that is time sensitive, meaning it needs to be done soon, will happen and a new elementary school for grades 2 through 5 will be built; the Arcadia building will be remodeled to better serve Home Link, the Middle School will be modernized and renovated and a new bus garage/transportation building will be built.
Everyone has seen the huge increase in housing within the city limits and the surrounding area and this growth is projected to continue, with over 1000 single housing permits and more apartment buildings already in the forecast. This bond measure will alleviate overcrowding, create a safe and modern atmosphere for our children and teachers and replace the bus garage that is nearly 100 years old, providing a kitchen sink for drivers to wash their dishes, instead of the bathroom sink they currently have to use.
All this with negligible cost, thanks to $23,000,000 in state matching funds, if locked in now. In 2015, the cost of the bond that is being paid off this year was $3.18 per thousand. It has decreased yearly due to population growth and today stands at $1.67. This new bond is projected to cost in the $2.14 per thousand range, an increase of less than 50 cents and $1.04 less than what it cost in 2015. Please consider also, that population growth very likely will reduce this amount as Deer Park and area continues to grow.
My two daughters attended Deer Park schools from kindergarten through their senior year. They received an excellent education. I have two grandchildren now attending school here, and I hope to have great grandchildren educated here someday. Being long past retirement age, I know asking for something that is going to increase taxes is not something that anyone would want; however, this is a small increase and needed to maintain and improve our schools, being fiscally responsible and good for our students, teachers and community.
Good schools are conducive to good communities. Vote YES for the Deer Park School Bond!
Dale Magart
Reprinted with permission.
Letters to the Editor are not edited or corrected for content or grammar.