Pictured above, is a recent annexation approved by the city council to expand city limits.
Expanding the Deer Park city limits is the result of a recent annexation request that was expedited by the city council. Another expansion is in the works, but moving at a slower pace.
There were two annexation requests working the way through the process required by state, county, and city. The simpler annexation, known as Annexation Request 2023-1, includes several parcels just south of the city belonging to two different owners. One small parcel is owned by Habitat for Humanity; because of the parcel size and location, it will likely remain undeveloped, according to Roger Krieger Deer Park City’s Community Service Director. The other parcels are owned by Mark Skocilich, who also owns the adjacent Parkway Auto Center. At this time no permits have been applied for with the city for the parcels. As of the August 16th City Council meeting, the request was approved after waiving the three-reading process. The three-reading process would have provided additional time for the public to speak about their concerns and for council members to debate the annexation. Both the vote to waive the three-reading processes and to approve the annexation were approved by the council unanimously.
The older Annexation Request 2022-1 is moving slower through the process as the result of a larger number of property owners that the annexation will impact. For the most recent step, there was a requirement to collect 60% of the property owner’s approval, based on land value, to move forward. When the petition was submitted to the city, 81% had signed on to the petition. The petition was initiated by Lakeside Real Estate Holdings, which city staff have indicated are planning a housing development for the property in their possession. The next step for this annexation is a public hearing, scheduled for September 20th.
Video of the August 16th City Council meeting is available on the Deer Park Gazette YouTube channel at DPGazette.com/youtube.